Friday, February 8, 2013

Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Cities – Episode 1 | Hanging ...

Please abstracts =] Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Cities – Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS Story – Konohana and Bluebell villages were once friendly neighbors. Then a huge dispute erupted between them … for dinner! Both towns were certain that their training is the best in the world. This measure has become these happy neighbors into irreconcilable enemies. This is the first episode of Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Cities for the Nintendo DS. There is another version of this game for the Nintendo 3DS, now I will do a complete manual of the video game, so I hope you like it, and I hope you will look forward to future episodes. Note: I will also cover events BS heart too, if the game is like a woman. Nintendo 3DS difference – 3D-graphics – Animal petting game – Street Pass, which allows you to trade goods

Trumpet / Month Angel Flower

moon flower

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