“Bayonetta 2″ from Platinum Games is coming to the Wii U exclusively some time in the future and is full of hazy details. However, Nintendo teased the action game with a making of video that debuted during a Nintendo Direct broadcast on Wednesday. The development of “Bayonetta 2″ for the Wii U is going well according to Nintendo president Saturo Iwata but “it’s not the right timing to discuss details about the game yet.” Instead, a trailer showing Platinum Games making the game, it’s wild environments and crazy monsters was shown. Curiously, Bayonetta herself was only partially revealed during the video with her face never shown. In the video, Platinum Games says it is trying to maximize the potential of the Wii U with “Bayonetta 2″. The game is shown being played with both the GamePad as the action is mirrored (but obscured) on the controller’s screen and also with the Wii U Pro Controller. Platinum Games is still under fire for its Wii U exclusivity arrangement with the “Bayonetta 2″ after the original debuted on the PS3 and Xbox 360. However, executive director Atsushi Inabi explained last year that the game would not exist at all without Nintendo. ➚Like CommunityGame On Facebook! www.facebook.com ➚Visit our Community Games Website: www.CommunityGameHQ.com ➚For More Community Gameplays, Video Games, MMO, Rpg. Visit: www.youtube.com ➚Follow Us At: twitter.com ➚Check Out My Brother Channel: www.youtube.com ➚Nintendo fan? Then Visit our Super Smash Bros 3DS/WII U …