Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Is this the welcome thingy page? ?_? - The PokCommunity Forums

You are in the right section indeed. Welcome to PC, Kate! I surely hope you are enjoying your April Fool's today, and you made an awesome decision to join because we are a very friendly community!

I go by Hikamaru on these forums, but you can call me Nichole if you like. I'll accept either. Glad to hear you're enjoying Pokemon X btw, the games are really awesome as well if I have to say so myself. If you are interested in discussing the games I recommend the Pokemon X & Y section as a good place to start, and I'm sure you'll be able to make new friends. And I noticed you missed a lot of generations so I'm sure you might try and catch up on them when you can because there is so many differences between 1st Gen and 6th Gen, such as new types added, more Pokemon, and of course the huge graphic leap.

Also, if you are interested in our battling and trading communities we have both Trade Corner and Battle Center covering those for you, and do check out our Pokemon Showdown server when you can, it's a great place to chat and battle with fellow members, and I happen to be an active member there myself so do pop by anytime!

Well, I guess I'll be seeing you around and I hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to ask any of the staff members in blue, orange or red usernames if you need help!

- Hikamaru



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