Friday, March 28, 2014

Steel Empire dev wants to make sequel, name it Burning Steel ...

Coming from Steel Empire dev, Yoshinori Satake...

I want to do it. I have an idea for a sequel titled 'Koutetsu Moyu' (something like 'Burning Steel', though its a bit of a play on words, since the 'yu' can also be read in this compound as 'oil' or 'fuel'). Steel Empire was a sepia-colored steampunk world, but this would be a dark, grey steampunk. I have an image for it like the old war movies […] I'd like to take the dark grey atmosphere of those movies and make a steampunk world out of it, using color, but with a monochrome feel from the desaturated colors and such. I think that would be an original steampunk world, and I've been drawing up plans for it to submit to Starfish.



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