Friday, February 8, 2013

Launch Day DLC for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Confirmed

Nintendo announced today that it is releasing new DLC for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity on the Nintendo 3DS.

The DLC is scheduled to appear on launch day (March 24) and released through packs sold in the 3DS eShop. The first piece of DLC will be available for free until April 30, containing the Poke Forest Mystery Dungeon bonus level.

The DLC released on launch will consist of three separate packs, with more scheduled for release by April. The three packs include additional dungeons, items, and new Pokemon.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity will release March 24 in North America. The game was released in Japan last November, and has since seen 12 additionally content packs, with prices varying from roughly $1.60 to $3.20.

Launch day DLC has been a controversial topic of late, but what can you do when the game in question is Pokemon? Gotta catch ‘em all!

Via: Polygon


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