Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 | Jerblcom

jer: Did not know, I remember the movies being absolutely atrocious in pixelation but if they have upped it to ps2 level that would be awesome!

tal: Wow. Just found out the PC version of Final Fantasy 7 gained quite a notable modding community. Apparently some of them have even managed to bring the game to roughly PS2 quality level, at least in terms of re-texturing.

jer: School semester is done, summer will be fun!

Tal: I wonder if you figured out who the voice of new MLP villain is. Practically a copy of his other famous character (including a certain disappear effect).

Tal: Looks like Level 5 has listened to the people. Ni No Kuni (PS3) is announced for U.S. release.

Tal: "Dragon Quest X is being developed internally by Square Enix, a first for the series..." Kind of an ironic time for a series to end its outsourcing streak. Maybe their internal staff is getting very bored...

Tal: Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is going to have a soundtrack CD packaged with the "initial release" (regardless of pre-order, it seems). There's also going to be a special edition with a golden Wii remote added in for $20 more.

Tal: Search for "Portal: No Escape" on YouTube. Nifty fan-made, live-action interpretation of Portal.

jer: I think i knew about the anchor, maybe...

Tal: Just found out about a hidden "powerup" in Mario 3. The anchor! Man, how many secrets did this game have??

tal: Curious. I've been hearing a lot about Minecraft recently, though haven't tried it out yet. Have you played it?

tal: Nintendo 3DS price is going to drop $80. I'd be excited and get one if it weren't for that wretchedly low battery life I keep hearing about. A redesign can't come soon enough...

Tal: Hmm... Just realized story is one of the main strong points of all the games I'm looking forward to. Kind of ironic, since Last Guardian is the only one on the list for story.

jer: Did beat Portal 2, great game, makes me appreciate a good story placed in a video game shell. Stellar!

Tal: I think Portal 2 might just be one of the weirdest video game endings ever. You'll just have to see it for yourself. =P


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