Sunday, November 4, 2012

Nintendo Wii U Kicks Off Ad Campaign, Users Complain ...

by G. Bargas, Senior Editor

Anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock knows that the Nintendo Wii U is set to launch November 18, 2012.

Well, considering the amount of people who are still in the dark about the console, you might think there’s a vast array of rather large boulders spread throughout the United States.

Nintendo shed light via its Facebook page giving users a small preview to the commercial seen below. While there are many, like myself, who are excited for the launch, some just don’t seem to feel the same. Here are two of the top comments left on the advertising video from Nintendo’s YouTube page

Even those who claim to be “lifelong” Nintendo fans are showing signs that the ad is displeasing. Take this comment left on the Nintendo Facebook page:

“Lifelong Nintendo fan. Super pumped about Wii U. Extremely lame ad.”

Or these ones from people who seem like they won’t be giving the console a second look:

LMAO@ People that call themselves “Hardcore Gamers” yet only play uber testosterone packed garbage like Call of Duty and Gears of War. Typical low I.Q. meatheads…pfft.”

“Oh nintendo, when will you ever learn that when you wanna play with the big boys, you can’t be using stupid gimmicky touch screens and half rate graphics to compete with sony and microsoft. Make good games, make a solid, non gimmicky system, then we’ll talk.”

There is no doubt that any ad campaign can’t please everyone outside of a given target market. Who exactly is Nintendo targeting?

For those who have done their homework and are simply pleased to see the Wii U get some attention outside of the close mind of the internet, it is a little refreshing.

I do agree that they should have shown off more gameplay from so called “hardcore” titles. Even so, you can play New Super Mario Bros. U and still be considered a hardcore gamer outside of your love for all things Mario.

The Xbox 360 Kinect and PlayStation 3 games like All-Stars Battle Royale are hardcore and non-gimmicky, right?

We’ve also reached out to Nintendo for an official statement. We will update as needed.


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