Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fire Emblem: Awakening Trailer To Help Get You Excited - Gaming ...

If you’re a Fire Emblem fan, then you’re probably well aware of the upcoming release of Fire Emblem: Awakening. It’s been about three years since the last US release of a game (five if you don’t count remakes), but here’s a trailer to help you feel the impending awesomeness:

Fire Emblem: Awakening is slated for a 2013 release on the Nintendo 3DS. The game will include new elements alongside older elements from past games like character customization, world maps, and team attacks to name a few.


Author: Joshua Hugo I'm a college student and a writer seeking to expand my writing into all forms and formats. I've recently acquired my first B.A. in English/Drama and finishing up my other in Communications. I like video games (JRPGs and survival horror please?), films, metal/rock music, reading, writing, and cartoons. Simply put...I'm a nerd, but who isn't anymore?


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