Monday, October 29, 2012

Iwata Confirms no PAID DLC for Animal Crossing: New Leaf ...

animal crossing 3ds n 33 Iwata Confirms no PAID DLC for Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Notice what Satoru Iwata has to say about downloadable content for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS title Animal Crossing: New Leaf:

We would like to supply consumers with only add-on or downloadable content which they are happy to pay for as compensation for creative work. For example, some might say that it would be unbelievably profitable to provide paid add-on content for “Animal Crossing: New Leaf,” but we were concerned that a game in which you enjoy yourself more by the power of money would not be suitable, and we decided to avoid such a feature after an intensive discussion with the development team.

“After an intensive discussion with the development team” Nintendo decided to not sell downloadable content for money in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. If there is any DLC that will come out for the game, it will most likely be free.

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